Commands list

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Revision as of 21:27, 17 June 2008 by Derjyn (Talk | contribs)
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Currently in-progress, this will soon be a complete list of console commands with descriptions. In it's current state, it's far more exhaustive than the previous list. If you would like to add/update any commands, please be sure to follow the current structure- an example is given below in the Notes section.

Derjyn 23:27, 17 June 2008 (EEST)


The structure is as follows:


Commands that need a description and/or variables will be marked as follows:



_preset [Minimum, Low, Default, High, Extreme] - Sets quality preset (same as in-game options).

ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights [0, 1] - Toggles NPC flashlights.

beclient [TODO] - TODO

bemsg [TODO] - TODO

beserver [TODO] - TODO

bind [action, key]- Binds an action to a particular primary key.

bind_console [TODO] - TODO

bind_list [no arguments] - Lists current key bindings.

bind_sec [action, key] - Binds an action to a secondary key.

cam_inert [0.000, 1.000] - Controls camera inertia.

cam_slide_inert [0.000, 1.000] - TODO

cdkey [TODO] - TODO

cfg_load [filename.ltx] - Loads a configuration file with the specified name from the same directory as User.ltx.

cfg_save [filename.ltx] - Saves current configuration to a new .ltx file with the specified name in the same directory as User.ltx.

chat [TODO] - TODO

check_for_updates [TODO] - TODO

cl_cod_pickup_mode [0, 1]

cl_dynamiccrosshair [0, 1] - Toggles in-game dynamic crosshair.

cl_voteno [TODO] - TODO

cl_votestart [TODO] - TODO

cl_voteyes [TODO] - TODO

clear_log [no arguments] - Clears the console log.

demo_play [demoname] - Plays back a pre-recorded timedemo.

demo_record [demoname] - Records a timedemo.

disconnect [no arguments] - Exists current game to main menu.

dump_open_files [TODO] - TODO

dump_resources [TODO] - TODO

flush [no arguments] - Creates log of actions under the \Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\STALKER-SHOC\logs directory.

g_always_run [0, 1] - Toggles always run/always walk.

g_autopickup [0, 1] - TODO

g_backrun [0, 1] - TODO

g_corpsenum [0, 100] - TODO

g_eventdelay [0, 1000] - TODO

g_game_difficulty (gd_novice, gd_stalker, gd_veteran, gd_master) - Sets difficulty level.

g_kill [no arguments] - Player kill/suicide.

g_restart [TODO] - TODO

g_restart_fast [TODO] - TODO

g_swapteams [TODO] - Swap team for artefacthunt game.

get_server_address [no arguments] - Lists server's IP address.

help [no arguments] - Lists all console commands.

hud_crosshair [0, 1] - Toggles in-game crosshair.

hud_crosshair_dist [0, 1] - Toggles in-game crosshair target distance display.

hud_info [0, 1] - Toggles hud elements.

hud_weapon [0, 1] - Toggles in-game weapon display.

list_actions [no arguments] - Lists all bindable character actions.

load [savename] - Loads the saved game with the name specified.

load_last_save [no arguments] - Loads last saved game

main_menu [no arguments] - Takes you straight to the game's main menu screen.

mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_con_publicserver [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_con_spectator [1, 32] -

mm_net_con_spectator_on [0, 1] -

mm_net_filter_battleye [TODO] - TODO

mm_net_filter_empty [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_filter_full [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_filter_listen [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_filter_pass [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_filter_wo_ff [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_filter_wo_pass [0, 1] - TODO

mm_net_player_name [string] - TODO

mm_net_srv_gamemode [st_deathmatch, st_team_deathmatch, st_artefacthunt]

mm_net_srv_maxplayers [2, 32] - TODO

mm_net_srv_name [string] - TODO

mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type [0, 2] - TODO

mm_net_use_battleye [TODO] - TODO

mm_net_weather_rateofchange [0.000, 100.000] - TODO

mouse_invert [0, 1] - Toggles mouse inversion.

mouse_sens [0.050, 0.6000] - Sets mouse sensitivity.

name [string] - Sets your player name.

net_cl_clearstats [TODO] - TODO

net_cl_icurvesize [0, 2000] - TODO

net_cl_icurvetype [0, 2] - TODO

net_cl_interpolation [-1.000, 1.000] - TODO

net_cl_log_data [0, 1] - TODO

net_cl_resync [TODO] - TODO

net_compressor_enabled [TODO] - TODO

net_compressor_gather_stats [TODO] - TODO

net_compressor_status [TODO] - TODO

net_dbg_dump_ export_obj [0, 1] - TODO

net_dbg_dump_import_obj [0, 1] - TODO

net_dbg_dump_update_read [0, 1] - TODO

net_dbg_dump_update_write [0, 1] - TODO

net_cl_update_rate [1, 100] - TODO

net_dedicated_sleep [0, 64] - TODO


net_sv_gpmode [0, 2] - TODO

net_sv_log_data [0, 1] - TODO

net_sv_pending_lim [0 ,10] - TODO

net_sv_update_rate [1, 100] - TODO


ph_iterations [15, 50] - TODO

quit - Exits game to Desktop.

r1_dlights [on,off] - Toggles dynamic lights, only impacts on torchlight.

r1_dlights_clip [10.000, 150.000] - Sets dynamic light clip range.

r1_glows_per_frame [2, 32] - Controls maximum number of light sources.

r1_lmodel_lerp [0.000, 0.333] - Controls the Linear Interpolation of lighting.

r1_pps_u [-1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality.

r1_pps_v [-1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality.

r1_ssa_lod_a [16.000,96.000] - Controls Level of Detail in game world.

r1_ssa_lod_b [16.000,64.000] - Controls Level of Detail in game world.

r1_tf_mipbias [-0.500,0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity.

r2_aa [0, 1] - Toggles fake Antialiasing blur effect.

r2_aa_break [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] - Controls extent of fake AA.

r2_aa_kernel [0.300, 0.700] - Controls overall blurriness of fake AA.

r2_aa_weight [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] - More precisely controls bluriness of fake AA.

r2_allow_r1_light [0, 1] - Allows DX8 lighting under DX9 lighting model.

r2_gi [0, 1] - Toggles Global Illumination.

r2_gi_clip [0.000, 0.100] - Controls Global Illumination clip distance.

r2_gi_depth [1, 5] - Controls Global Illumination shadow depth.

r2_gi_photons [8, 256] - Controls Global Illumination effect.

r2_gi_refl [0.001, 0.990] - Controls Global Illumination reflectivity.

r2_gloss_factor [0.000, 10.000] - Sets level of Specularity/gloss of objects.

r2_ls_bloom_fast [0, 1] - Toggles enhanced bloom effect.

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b [0.010, 1.000] - Determines level of haze from HDR/bloom effect.

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g [1.000, 7.000] - TODO

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale [0.500, 2.000] - TODO

r2_ls_bloom_speed [0.000, 100.000] - TODO

r2_ls_bloom_threshold [0.000, 1.000] - Controls overall level of the lighting effect used.

r2_ls_depth_bias [-0.500, 0.500] - Controls how far visible light sources shine.

r2_ls_depth_scale [0.500, 1.500] - Controls the impact of lighting on shadows.

r2_ls_dsm_kernel [0.100, 3.000] - TODO

r2_ls_psm_kernel [0.100, 3.000] - TODO

r2_ls_squality [0.500, 1.000] - Sets Shadow quality.

r2_ls_ssm_kernel [0.500, 1.000] - TODO

r2_mblur [0.000, 1.000] - Controls Motion Blur effect. Only works if -mblur switch is also enabled.

r2_parallax_h [0.000, 0.500] - Controls Parallax Mapping which affects texture surface depth.

r2_slight_fade [0.020, 2.000] - TODO

r2_ssa_lod_a [16.000, 96.000] - Controls level of detail in game world.

r2_ssa_lod_b [32.000,64.000] - Controls level of detail in game world.

r2_sun [0, 1] - Toggles sun lighting/shadows.

r2_sun_depth_far_bias [-0.500, 0.500] - TODO

r2_sun_depth_far_scale [0.500, 1.500] - TODO

r2_sun_depth_near_bias [-0.500, 0.500] - TODO

r2_sun_depth_near_scale [0.500, 1.500] - TODO

r2_sun_details [0, 1] - Toggles shadows on grass/shrubbery.

r2_sun_focus [0, 1] - TODO

r2_sun_lumscale [-1.000, 3.000] - Sets sun brightness level.

r2_sun_lumscale_amb [0.000, 3.000] - Sets ambient light level.

r2_sun_lumscale_hemi [0.000, 3.000] - Sets hemisphere light level.

r2_sun_near [1.000, 50.000] - TODO

r2_sun_near_border [0.500, 1.000] - TODO

r2_sun_tsm [on, off] - TODO

r2_sun_tsm_bias [-0.500, 0.500] - TODO

r2_sun_tsm_proj [0.001, 0.800] - TODO

r2_tf_mipbias [-0.500, 0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity.

r2_tonemap [0, 1] - Toggles tone mapping effect for HDR lighting.

r2_tonemap_adaptation [0.010, 10.000] - TODO

r2_tonemap_amount [0.000, 1.000] - TODO

r2_tonemap_lowlum [0.000, 1.000] - Controls effect of tone mapping on darker areas.

r2_tonemap_middlegray [0.000, 2.000] - Controls overall look of HDR effect.

r2_wait_sleep [0, 1] - TODO

r2_zfill [0, 1] - TODO

r2_zfill_depth [0.001 0.500] - TODO

r2em [0.000, 4.000] - TODO

r__detail_density [0.200, 0.600] - Sets grass density level.

r__geometry_lod [0.100, 1.200] - Sets objects detail level.

r__supersample [1, 4] - Sets antialiasing level.

r__tf_aniso [1, 16] - Sets anisotropic filtering level.

ra [no arguments] - TODO

renderer [renderer_r1, renderer_r2a, renderer_r2] - Sets rendering system.

rs_c_brightness [0.500, 1.500] - Sets brightness level.

rs_c_contrast [0.500, 1.500]- Sets contrast level.

rs_c_gamma [0.500, 1.500]- Sets gamma level.

rs_fullscreen [0, 1]- Toggles fullscreen/windowed mode.

rs_refresh_60hz [0, 1] - Toglles 60Hz Frequency option.

rs_stats [0, 1] - Toggles display of game engine statistics, including FPS.

rs_v_sync [0, 1] - Toggles vertical sync.

rs_vis_distance [0.400, 1.500]- Sets vision distance.

save [savename] - Saves the current game under the name specified (default is quicksave).

screenshot [1] - Saves a JPG screenshot under the \Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\STALKER-SHOC\screenshots directory.

snd_acceleration [0, 1] - Toggles hardware sound acceleration.

snd_cache_size [4, 32] - Sets size of sound cache.

snd_efx [0, 1] - Toggles Sound Effects on or off.

snd_restart [no arguments] - Restarts the sound engine; should be used after altering any snd_ variables.

snd_targets [4, 32] - Sets the number of channels for audio.

snd_volume_eff [0.000, 1.000] - Sets sound FX volume level.

snd_volume_music [0.000, 1.000]- Sets music volume level.

start [TODO] - TODO

stat_memory [no arguments] - Toggles the display of memory-related statistics for the game engine.

sv_addmap [TODO] - TODO

sv_anomalies_enabled [0, 1] - TODO

sv_anomalies_length [0, 180] - TODO

sv_artefect_respawn_delta [0, 600] - TODO

sv_artefact_spawn_force [0, 1] - TODO

sv_artefact_stay_time [0, 180] - TODO

sv_artefacts_count [1, 100] - TODO

sv_auto_team_balance [0, 1] - TODO

sv_auto_team_swap [0, 1] - TODO

sv_banplayer [TODO] - TODO

sv_banplayer_id [TODO] - TODO

sv_banplayer_ip [TODO] - TODO

sv_bearercantsprint [0, 1] - TODO

sv_changegametype [TODO] - TODO

sv_changelevel [TODO] - TODO

sv_changelevelgametype [TODO] - TODO

sv_client_reconnect_time [0, 60] - TODO

sv_console_update_rate [1, 100] - TODO

sv_dedicated_server_update_rate [1, 1000] - TODO

sv_dmgblockindicator [0, 1] - TODO

sv_dmgblocktime [0, 600] - TODO

sv_dump_online_statistics [no arguments] - TODO

sv_dump_online_statistics_period [no arguments] - TODO

sv_forcerespawn [0, 3600] - TODO

sv_fraglimit [0, 100] - TODO

sv_friendly_indicators [0, 1] - TODO

sv_friendly_names [0, 1] - TODO

sv_friendlyfire [0.000, 2.000] - TODO

sv_hail_to_winner_time [0, 60] - TODO

sv_kick [name] - Kick player by name.

sv_listmaps [id] - Kick player by id.

sv_listplayers [TODO] - TODO

sv_listplayers_banned [TODO] - TODO

sv_max_ping_limit [1, 2000] - TODO

sv_nextanomalyset [TODO] - TODO

sv_nextmap [TODO] - TODO

sv_pda_hunt [0, 1] - TODO

sv_prevmap [TODO] - TODO

sv_reinforcement_time [-1, 3600] - TODO

sv_remove_corpse [-1, 1] - TODO

sv_remove_weapon [-1,1]

sv_return_to_base [TODO] - TODO

sv_returnplayers [0, 1] - TODO

sv_rpoint_freeze_time [0, 60000] - TODO

sv_setenvtime [TODO] - TODO

sv_setweather [TODO] - TODO

sv_shieldedbases [0, 1] - TODO

sv_spectr_firsteye [0, 1] - TODO

sv_spectr_freefly [0, 1] - TODO

sv_spectr_freelook [0, 1] - TODO

sv_spectr_lookat [0, 1] - TODO

sv_spectr_teamcamera [0, 1] - TODO

sv_startteammoney [TODO] - TODO

sv_satistic_collect [0, 1] - TODO

sv_statistic_save [TODO] - TODO

sv_statistic_save_auto [0, 1] - TODO

sv_status [TODO] - TODO

sv_teamkill_limit [0, 100] - TODO

sv_teamkill_punish [0, 1] - TODO

sv_timelimit [0, 180] - TODO

sv_unbanplayer_ip [TODO] - TODO

sv_vote_enabled [0, 1] - TODO

sv_vote_participants [0, 1] - TODO

sv_vote_quota [0.000, 1.000] - TODO

sv_vote_time [0.500, 10.000] - TODO

sv_votestop [TODO] - TODO

sv_warm_up [0, 3600] - TODO

texture_lod [0,4] - Sets texture level of detail level.

unbind [action] - Unbinds any primary keys from the specified action.

unbind_console [TODO] - TODO

unbind_sec [action] - Unbinds any secondary keys from the specified action.

unbindall - Unbinds all keys from all actions.

vid_mode [WxH] - Same as in-game Resolution option.

vid_restart - Restarts the graphics engine; should be used after changing certain graphics settings such as texture_lod and vid_mode.

French version

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