Creating unique NPCs
From Mod Wiki
This is the way to do it if spawing the NPC from the all.spawn and its also needed to keep him there this is how i spawned blade in my LITZ mod
- Note: Be careful about copying and pasting, as it may cause problems!
I Really hope this helps you.
You have to edit quite a few files:
NPC_Profile.xml Character_desc_escape
scripts or Config>scripts not sure which one
Change the according gulag script EG:gulag_escape
and then you would have to edit the all.spawn to accomadate and spawn him
(shows example of blade My character from my LITZ mod)
[esc_blade]:stalker character_profile = esc_blade visual = actors\dolg\stalker_do_nauchniy.ogf corpse_visual = actors\dolg\stalker_do_nauchniy.ogf immunities_sect = stalker_immunities
thats placed at the bottom
<!-------------------------------------esc_blade-------------------------------------------------------> <specific_character id="esc_blade" team_default = "1"> <name>esc_blade_name</name> <icon>ui_npc_u_stalker_do_nauchniy</icon> <bio>esc_blade_bio</bio> <class>esc_blade</class> <community>stalker</community> <terrain_sect>stalker_terrain</terrain_sect> <rank>820</rank> <reputation>840</reputation> <money min="2000" max="5000" infinitive="0"></money> <snd_config>characters_voice\human_03\dolg</snd_config> <crouch_type>0</crouch_type> <visual>actors\dolgs\talker_do_nauchniy</visual> <supplies> [spawn] n\ wpn_walther n\ ammo_9x19_pbp = 1 n\ wpn_groza n\ ammo_9x39_ap = 1 n\ ammo_9x39_sp5 = 1 n\ ammo_vog-25p = 2 n\ #include "gameplaycharacter_items.xml" n\ #include "gameplaycharacter_food.xml" n\ #include "gameplaycharacter_drugs.xml" </supplies> #include "gameplaycharacter_criticals_6.xml" #include "gameplaycharacter_dialogs.xml" <start_dialog>hello_dialog</start_dialog> </specific_character>
<character id="esc_blade"> <class>esc_blade</class> </character>
<string id="esc_blade_name"> <text>Blade</text> </string> <string id="esc_blade_bio"> <text>The leader of the Duty camp near the military outpost, his good leadership skills and tactics won Duty the camp and overthrew the Bandits</text> </string>
(shows all.spawn section for blade):
[870] ; cse_abstract properties section_name = stalker name = esc_blade position = 109.19536590576, 7.1485390663147, 0.9805214738846 direction = 0.0445535257458687,-0.000645029998850077,0.0144814234226942 ; cse_alife_trader_abstract properties money = 5000 character_profile = esc_blade ; cse_alife_object properties game_vertex_id = 119 distance = 3.5 level_vertex_id = 410518 object_flags = 0x==bf custom_data = <<END [smart_terrains] none = true END ; cse_visual properties visual_name = actors\dolg\stalker_do_nauchniy ; cse_alife_creature_abstract properties g_team = 0 g_squad = 1 g_group = 5 health = 2 dynamic_out_restrictions = dynamic_in_restrictions = upd:health = 2 upd:timestamp = 0x6d6d695f upd:creature_flags = 0x75 upd osition = -210.632614135742,-20.050708770752,-142.461120605469 upd _model = 0 upd _torso = -0.000645029998850077,0.0445535257458687,0 upd:g_team = 0 upd:g_squad = 1 upd:g_group = 5 ; cse_alife_monster_abstract properties upd:next_game_vertex_id = 65535 upd rev_game_vertex_id = 65535 upd:distance_from_point = 0 upd:distance_to_point = 0 ; cse_alife_human_abstract properties predicate5 = 1,0,0,2,0 predicate4 = 2,2,1,2 (Cant 100% remember what these do sorry) ; cse_ph_skeleton properties upd:start_dialog = ; se_stalker properties
Just to add to the all.spawn part:
I find that all the things change around when compiled, you can muck things up, i usualy go to the last alife file and look at the last entity ID number, then add one up from that, however im sure i read once, for example, lets say escape_alife ends in 200 (I know it dosent its a example), and then the next alife file starts with 201, you can apprently make your character 201 in the escape file without messing up the rest, however to be safe do the first thing i said.
Apart from the gulag scripts thats pretty much it, lets move to that now with a quick summary of what they do:
Gulags control the Smart Terrains (ST) and quite alot of logic for the Alife in stalker, mainly controling the places NPC's and monsters "Camp", it also contains the list of "Job's" for each ST, if changing ST's then be carefull, if you chance the capacity beyond that of the Availble jobs, the game will crash, you can also change the the type of communites that can occupy a certain ST, which in turn can bring intresting results, but thats not for here. :)
Hope this helped you please tell me if this worked for you.
Tutorial By Jamie Roberts (Jamie1992)